Children's Area

In this area you will find lots of helpful information to help keep you safe online.


Parent/Carer Area

Find out about how to keep your child safe when they are online.


Professionals Membership Area

This area has been designed for Professionals who work directly with children and young people and who have subscribed to our membership subscription.


Adult Victims Area

In this area you will find lots of helpful information to help keep you safe online.


Our Media Page

Check out our You Tube videos and listen to our podcasts on a variety of online safety topics.


Online Safety Videos

Here you will find a variety of online safety videos for Parents to watch with their children and for Professionals to use in the classroom.


Young persons text dictionary and emojis.

Find out more

Check out our new course in May 2025

When you think about Stranger Danger are you thinking of a white van outside a school or a man with a dog that has just had puppies?

Far too many parents are preparing their children for life as it was in 1990 and not life as it is today.

Most children over the age of 8 would be able to design an ‘E Safety’ poster that would cover all of the points required by their Parent’s but would this knowledge keep our children safe online?

Many parents and professionals honestly believe that they are fully up to date regards Internet Safety and with this assured mindset they then seek to keep children safe. In our experience this mindset leads to a false sense of security and often results in young people being unable to speak to parents and professionals when things go wrong.

If a child today were walking to school and a man in a white van pulled up and offered them sweet’s, then every one of them would immediately recognise this as a risk. Identifying the risk every child in the country would then have no fear whatsoever telling their parent or school about the incident. It is inconceivable that a child would be punished for this disclosure.

Fast forward to today. The modern risk is highly likely to play out online. The problem we are up against is that so many children will not spot a risky situation and worse still, even when they know something is wrong, they will not tell their parents as the more likely response will be the loss of whatever medium they were using and a potential ‘telling off’

Every aspect of Child Exploitation has significant elements online whether that be sexual exploitation, gang membership, drug dealing, internet influencers, sexualisation of children or even abuse from within families.

The ‘2 John’s’ seek to change everyone’s approach to Online Child Exploitation and better enable them to deal with the very real modern-day risks.

John and John spent many years working as Police Detectives in various covert roles tackling Online and Offline Child Exploitation The ‘2 Johns’ are regarded as experts in their field and every year they work in hundreds of Primary and Secondary Schools interacting with Children, Teachers and Parents.

Over the past decade John and John (The 2 Johns) have been key speakers at numerous major events throughout the country. In Essex they are regularly commissioned by the Safeguarding Children’s Board, the various Community Safety Partnerships and Essex Youth Service to deliver both staff training and bespoke sessions for large numbers of children, this includes their successful “Walk Online Roadshow’ which is delivered to many thousands of children every year.

John and John are regularly asked to appear on various BBC radio Shows to talk about Online Safety and have appeared as experts on the BBC Breakfast show and the Victoria Derbyshire show.

If you would like the 2 Johns to work with your organisation, then please send us a message via our Contact Us page on this website or by email at . If you look at the Training Events tab on this website, then you will see details of the main events we run within schools.

We also run many other bespoke events including conference speaking, professionals’ courses and lunch and learn sessions.

If you require references regards our work, then we are very happy to pass on details of the many organisations that we work with.