Conference Training feedback

Following our recent conference training, here is a summary of the feedback we have received.

Always so informative and current.

An excellent session with The 2 Johns as always. I think these two are worth their weight in gold. So informative and interesting and always up to date. It’s been a while since I’ve attended see one of their sessions but this was excellent as always. I can’t sing their praises highly enough.

As always the 2 Johns are engaging and informative. Could we run a whole trust parent workshop? As I feel much of the information our parents do need and this has also been raised on our recent parent voice. They can run workshops digitally and they share a recording of the session for 30 days after which means more parents could access this.

Excellent knowledge. All SEEAT parents need this.

Excellent. I hope they are brought in to do sessions fir students.

Fantastic hard hitting session. All staff working with pupils should attend.

Fantastic session for us as parents as well as teachers so we know everyway to protect our children!

It was very informative (and scary!) The session has given me lots to think about in terms of whole school e-safety education and procedures.

Lots of info, really informative and delivered so well.

Thank you. It was very useful for our school.

This session was amazing! Very inspirational and informative. Has made me think about both my own teaching practice and also the RSHE curriculum.

This was an eye-opening session around the dangers of child exploitation. Really engaging speakers.

Wow, what a lot to take in but so very important. I now will do further research on this subject.