Inclusive Resources

Internet Matters have produced a range of recommended specialist  guides and resources to support parents and carers with children who may be more at risk of online harms.

 For LGBTQ+ children and young people, connecting and sharing online is a vital way to interact with peers, educate themselves and find solutions to issues that friends or family may not understand.

However, there are also areas of risk for young people within the LGBTQ+ community when interacting online. Internet Matters have produced a guide to connecting and sharing online.

The internet provides young people with lots of opportunities, but unfortunately they can also encounter risks. ThinkUKnow advice on how you can support lesbian, gay, bi, trans or queer young people online.

Childnet have produced these free, adaptable resources covering the important topics of healthy relationships, digital wellbeing and online pornography and are designed to equip and enable educators, parents and carers, to support young people aged 11 and over with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

These resources from the UK Safer Internet Centre provide topics and suggestions for starting and having discussions with neurodiverse young people about their online experiences. The films explore the challenges that neurodiverse young people may face online with regards to rigid thinking, discerning who or what is truthful online and situations that can lead to strong emotions.

Online gaming is incredibly popular among children and young people. Whether it is through phones and mobile devices, PCs or games consoles, most children and young people will have experience in gaming online. However, there are some areas of gaming that could put LGBTQ+ children and young people at risk of being bullied or subjected to homophobic, biphobic or transphobic language.

Talking about life online can be challenging for any young person. Having speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) makes it almost impossible.

Talk:Tech from Parent Zone is a range of visual and spoken resources to support conversations about digital.

Neurodivergent children may encounter comparable advantages and risks to other children while online, albeit potentially to a higher degree. Therefore, your approach to discussing online safety with them may need to be adjusted. For further information is available here from Internet Matters.

Internet Matters advice about to help your child understand the difference between friends and those who may seek to do them harm to ensure they have a safer online experience on social media.